विश्वभरका बीमा कम्पनीहरुमा नयाँ ‘बीमा पुँजि मापदण्ड’ लागू गर्ने प्रस्ताव पारित, नेपाल बीमा कम्पनीहरुमा कस्तो दबाब पर्ला ?

काठमाडौं । नेपालसहित विश्वभरका २०० नियामकहरुको सहभागी आईएआईएसको बैठकले बीमा क्षेत्रमा नयाँ पुँजि मापदण्ड लागू गर्ने प्रस्ताव पारित गरेका छन् । यही डिसेम्वर ५ मा दक्षिण अफ्रिकाको केपटाउनमा सम्पन्न भएको आइएआइएसको बार्षिक बैठकले इन्स्योरेन्स क्यापिटल स्टाण्डर्ड सहितका थुप्रै महत्वपूर्ण निर्णयहरु पारित गरेको आइएआईएसले जनाएको छ ।
आईएआईएसकी मेलानी क्लोवेसले केपटाउन बैठकले महत्वपूर्ण निर्णयहरु गर्न सफल भएको जानकारी बीमापोष्टलाई दिएकी छिन् । आईएआईएसको बैठकले विश्वभरकै बीमा नियामकहरुको क्षमता अभिबृद्धि गर्ने निर्णय पनि गरेको छ । नेपालका लागि सो निर्णय धेरै महत्वपूर्ण हुनेछ । अबदेखि विश्वभरकै नियामकहरु बीमाको कोर प्रिन्सिपल अनुसार नीति नियम बनाएर मात्रै नियमन गर्न पाउनेछन् ।
आईएसआईएसको बैठकले निर्णयले विश्वभरका बीमा कम्पनीहरुमा पुँजिको आवश्यकता सम्बन्धी नयाँ व्याख्या गरेको छ । जसको प्रत्यक्ष असर नेपालको पुनर्बीमा क्षेत्रमा तत्काल पर्ने देखिएको छ । पोलिसी होल्डरको अधिकार रक्षाको लागि भन्दै यस पटकको आइएआईएसको बैठकले यस्तो निर्णय गरेको हो । जसमा जोखिममा आधारित पुँजिलाई मुख्य रुपमा अंगिकार गरिनेछ ।
तत्कालका लागि संसारका ५८ वटा पुनर्बीमा कम्पनीहरुमा नयाँ निर्णयको प्रत्यक्ष असर पर्नेछ । अन्य विश्वभरका हजारौं कम्पनीहरुमा यसको असर पर्ने देखिएको छ ।
आइएआईएसका अध्यक्ष सिगेरु अरीजुमीको अध्यक्षमा दक्षिण अफ्रिकाको केप टाउनमा यस वर्षको बार्षिक बैठक राखिएको थियो । अध्यक्ष अरीजुमीले वित्तीय स्थायित्वको लागि यस पटकको निर्णय ऐतिहासिक भएको बैठकमा बताएका छन् ।
नयाँ व्यवस्था अनुसार इन्स्योरेन्स क्यापिटल स्टाण्डर्ड (आईसिएस) लागू हुनेछ । त्यस्तै, अर्को महत्वपूर्ण निर्णय पनि यही बैठकले गरेको छ । जसमा बीमाको कोर सिद्धान्त र साझा मापदण्डमा पनि सहमति जारी गरेका छन् ।
नेपाल बीमा प्राधिकरणका अध्यक्ष सुर्य प्रसाद सिलवाल समेत सहभागी भएको सो बैठकले नयाँ मापदण्ड २०२५ देखि २०२७ सम्म चरणबद्ध रुपमा लागू गर्ने गरी प्रस्तावहरु पारित गरेको छ ।
नेपाली बीमा कम्पनीहरुमा पनि नयाँ निर्णयको असर पर्नेछ । यद्यपि जोखिममा आधारित पुँजिबारे चर्चा बहस भइरहेको छ । आंशिक रुपमा अभ्यास समेत भइसकेकोले ठूलो असर नपरे पनि मुनाफामा संकुचन आउनेछ ।
हेरौं निर्णय
Implementation and assessment of the ICS
IAIS members are committed to implementing IAIS standards, and several members are already taking steps to embed the ICS in their regulatory regimes, across all regions.
As set out in the Aggregation Method comparability assessment report, an Aggregation Method (AM) developed by the United States (US) provides a basis for implementation of the ICS to produce comparable outcomes. The comparability assessment highlighted some areas where work as part of implementation of the final AM in the US will help ensure convergence, specifically treatment of interest rate risk and appropriate timing of supervisory intervention. In using the final AM as its implementation of the ICS, the US commits to addressing those areas in appropriate ways, which will be reviewed during the IAIS ICS implementation assessment process.
The IAIS has set high-level timelines for its plans to assess the comprehensive and consistent implementation of the ICS across jurisdictions. These timelines recognise that it will take some time for jurisdictions to finalise any necessary regulatory and supervisory changes to align with the ICS, taking into account jurisdictional circumstances, and for the IAIS to prepare for implementation assessment.
In 2025, the IAIS will begin developing a detailed ICS assessment methodology.
In 2026, the IAIS will coordinate a baseline self-assessment by IAIS members of their progress in implementing the ICS, which will serve as a baseline for future implementation progress monitoring.
Then, with the aim of starting in 2027, the IAIS will initiate detailed jurisdictional assessments of ICS implementation.
As the final AM will be the US’ implementation of the ICS, the assessment of its implementation will be subject to the same timing as ICS implementation assessments in other jurisdictions and subject to a consistent methodology (including both qualitative and quantitative analysis), assessing whether the jurisdictional implementation at least meets the ICS (ie produces at least the same level of prudence as the ICS and similar triggers of supervisory intervention), whilst also focusing on the AM specificities.
The IAIS will continue to work closely with its member jurisdictions to ensure a smooth transition to the ICS and to provide necessary guidance and support throughout the implementation process.
Updates to Insurance Core Principles and Common Framework for the supervision of IAIGs
The IAIS has also finalised a targeted update of its ICPs and certain related standards in ComFrame. The ICPs form the globally accepted framework for supervision of the insurance sector and consist of principal statements, standards and guidance. ComFrame builds upon the ICPs and establishes supervisory standards and guidance specifically focused on the effective group-wide supervision of IAIGs.
Following a comprehensive update of these global standards in 2019, the current, more targeted update aims to ensure that the ICPs remain relevant and effective in addressing emerging risks and challenges faced by the insurance sector today. The updated areas address three topics and benefitted from extensive consultation with members and stakeholders.
Climate risk: To support a globally consistent approach to climate-related risks, the IAIS has made limited updates to certain guidance paragraphs in the ICPs related to investments and enterprise risk management. The ICP Introduction was also updated to position the response to climate risk within the global framework for insurance supervision. Further supporting material will be published in April 2025.
Holistic Framework for the assessment and mitigation of systemic risk: The IAIS agreed on updates to standards related to liquidity risk, counterparty risk appetite, contingency funding plans, and recovery and resolution. These updates further enhance their clarity and incorporate lessons learned from their implementation. Notably, the updates further align the IAIS standards with the FSB Key Attributes of Effective Resolution Regimes for Financial Institutions.
Valuation and capital: Alongside the finalisation of the ICS, the IAIS has also updated the relevant ICPs related to valuation and capital adequacy. These ICPs establish the supervisory requirements for the valuation of assets, liabilities, capital resources and requirements. As a consequence, they form the core foundation of all quantitative, risk-based insurance supervision and, therefore, also for the ICS. The updates made mainly relate to further enhancement of consistency of the text and to enhance clarity.
The updated ICPs and ComFrame are available here.
IAIS members are committed to implementing the updated ICP and ComFrame standards from 2025.