जिवन विकास लघुवित्तमा रोजगारीको अवसर, कति चाहिन्छ शैक्षिक योग्यता ?
२६ श्रावण २०७८, मंगलवार १०:५७

काठमाडौँ । जिवन विकास लघुवित्त वित्तीय संस्थाले कर्मचारी माग गरेको छ । कम्पनीले आज एक सूचना सार्वजनिक गर्दै २ पदका लागि कर्मचारी मागेको हो ।
लघुवित्तले कनिष्ठ सहायक प्रशिक्षार्थीका लागि मान्यता प्राप्त शिक्षण संस्थाबाट कम्तिमा एसइई र सहायक प्रशिक्षार्थीका लागि कम्तिमा प्लस टु उर्तिण कर्मचारी मागेको हो ।
इच्छुुक योग्यता पुगेका नेपाली नागरिकले भदौ ११ गते सम्म अनलाइन फारम भर्न सकिने कम्पनीले जनाएको छ ।
Dear sir/Madam
Respected sir/madam
With due respect.I will like to inform you that I am so much interested on your organization that’s why I want to offer myself is an employee Of suitable post.I have completed my +2 In department of management.i will give my 100% on my work.
Respected Sir/madam
With due respect.I would like to inform you that I am so much interested on your organization that’s why I want to offer myself Is an employee Of suitable post.I have completed my+2 in department of Management.I will give my 100% on my work.
Respected sir/madam
With deu respect.I will like to inform you that i am so much intersted on your organization that is why i want to offer myself is on employee of suitable post. I have completed my + 2 in dipartment of management. I will give my 100% on my work. Thank you
Respected Sir/Madam
With due respect . I will like to inform you that i am so much intersted on your organization that’s why i want to offer myself is an employee of suitable post. I have completed my +2 in department of management . I will give my 100% on my work .
Thank You
With regards,
Herewith I send an application in response to you advertisement regarding the empty post at your organization.
Right now I’m pursuing my +2 in department of computer management and will complete my course this year.
My qualifications might not be enough for you to acknowledge my worth so I’d like to request you to give me a chance to show you how enthusiastic I am to work with you and will be very useful for upbuilding your organization in coming days. I’ll work with integrity and will give my best at work.
Thank you.
Khagendra mahato
Respected sir/madam
I really interested to work in your organization.I am reading in class 12 but I don’t have 12 certificate . But I am too much interested to work in your organization with my proper qualification.
I have to do this job to gain my knowledge about your organization .
Thank you!
14 august,2021 8:3 AM
Respected sir/madam
With regards, I would like to send an application in response to you advertisement regarding the empty post at your organization.
I have completed my +2 in department of management with average GPA . My qualifications might not be enough for you to acknowledge my worth but I’ll give my best at work so I would like to request you to give me a chance.
Respected sir/madam
I am interested to work in your organization. I’m studying in B. Ed. 4th year. I have my 12 transcript which you want in vacation. I think I am perfect for this job. So I am applying my certificate, bio-data and my CV. Thank you